Thursday, October 31, 2019

Fall 2019 Opera Scenes Workshop

On the weekend of October 19th and 20th, 2019, some of our students performed in multiple, individual scenes from various operas. The Opera Scenes program was directed by Ms. Rebecca Claborn and Mr. Gregg Busch, and accompanied by Dr. John Cornish and Mrs. Vicky Claborn.

Eighteen student performed this year: Christian Belcher, Anna Brayman, Jordan Bryant, Addison Cramer, Spencer Fleury, KJ Flynn, Nathan Foley, Joel Harrison, Rebecca Hunter, Susie Johnson, Lizzie Jordan, Emily LaVelle, Abraham Martin, Jennifer Powers, Kandice Riley, Rani Rush,
Elijah Shafer, and Isaia Wilcoxen.

Ms. Claborn and Mr. Busch also served as the 
event hosts, introducing each piece for the 
audience's contextual understanding. Most of the pieces were translated into English as well.
The students did a great job, and we look forward to the next Opera Scenes production.