Friday, November 22, 2019

Jordan Bryant Senior Recital 11-16-19

On Saturday, November 16th, 2019, the College of the Ozarks Music Department hosted Jordan Bryant’s senior recital. Jordan has loved music since he was very young. He inherited his love for singing from his parents, and often joined them in singing at church as a child. 

Throughout his time at College of the Ozarks, Jordan has studied under both Mr. Gregg Busch and Dr. John Cornish, has participated in the Chorale and Chapel Choir, and has played a part in two of the musicals produced by the college, Mary Poppins and Bright Star. 

Throughout the recitalm  Jordan performed many pieces by various composers, including three French pieces by Hahn and Duparc, two German pieces by Schubert, an Italian piece by Mozart, and multiple English pieces by Handel, Williams, and Weill. 

To finish off his recital, Jordan performed “Grace so Amazing”, a piece written by his great-grandfather, Eugene Bartlett. Jordan did a wonderful job, and the music department is very proud of all the work he has done. We wish him the best in his future endeavors.

Monday, November 18, 2019

10-25-2019 Chorale & Orchestra Concert

On Friday, October 25th, the College of the Ozarks Chorale and Orchestra performed a concert in the Royal Oak Forum at the Keeter Center. The theme was American Voices, and featured a patriotic composition entitled "The Testament of Freedom" by Randall Thompson. This piece was a setting of texts taken from the writings of Thomas Jefferson and speaks of spreading life and liberty across the globe. The orchestra also played two other pieces, "Variations on 'America'" and "Lincoln Portrait. " Biblical and Theological Studies professor Dr. Daniel Chinn read the narration during the "Lincoln Portrait" performance. The Chorale also performed a few works independently from the orchestra, including the traditional song "Shenandoah," ""Zion's Walls," and "Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor." We appreciate the ensembles sharing their musical talents with us!

10-19-2019 MTNA Fall Piano Festival

On Saturday, October 19th, the College of the Ozarks hosted a community piano recital for surrounding piano students and teachers. Fourteen students participated in the festival and received feedback from College of the Ozarks piano pedagogy students as well as Dr. Clara Christian, associate professor of piano.

There was also an honors recital for selected students to perform their pieces, and also an opportunity for the community students to hear and learn from the College of the Ozarks students. Congratulations to all who participated in the MTNA fall festival and thank you to Dr. Clara Christian for helping this event run smoothly. We are excited to see how these students progress in piano and hope to see them all again next year!